What Has Science Shown Us?

Over the last several decades science has built up an overwhelming body of information that leads us to just one conclusion: The unborn child must be a human life. The child quickly develops all the organs and systems that a newborn has. It moves like a newborn. It has senses. It can learn. If it is not a human, what is it?

Perhaps it was information like this that led some doctors to consider the unborn child to be their patient. As noted in Williams Obstetrics (20th edition, p 151, 1997), "The status of the unborn child has been elevated to that of a patient, who, in large measure, can be given the same meticulous care that obstetricians provide pregnant women". This view is consistent with that expressed by William J. Larsen, Ph.D. in Essentials of Human Embryology,(p 317, 1998), "The extreme speed with which both our under- standing of human biology and our clinical practices are advancing affects a new category of patient: the unborn fetus." In further support of this view, Jan G. Nijhuis, M.D., Ph.D, editor of Fetal Behaviour: Developmental and Perinatal Aspects, (p xix, 1992), considers human life to include the time from conception to birth.

It's not my intention to make this a cold scientific presentation, although impartial science is certainly at the bottom of it. I hope the scientific approach lends it credibility. However, the human life issue transcends science in that it deals with our children, and it impinges on our humanity, our deepest emotions, and our consciences. I therefore hope the information presented here also triggers an emotional response that goes beyond just rational scientific evaluation.

May the images of the day-by-day development of innocent unborn children inspire enough love in our hearts to nourish and protect their growth until birth. And may we then cherish these new individuals, providing the kind of supportive environment that will see them into a happy adulthood.

To any women who change their mind about having an abortion after considering this information, I am sure your decision will lead to an increase in joy and fulfillment that may not be apparent to you today. The pro-life community stands ready with material and emotional support to help you in your courageous decision.

And help is also available to those who may be in pain from an abortion that has already taken place. You can contact the National Office of Post-Abortion Reconciliation and Healing, which provides assistance on a confidential and non-denominational basis. Their telephone number is 1 800 5 WE CARE, and their website address is www.noparh.org.

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