Appendix 3
Movement and Learning Patterns of the Unborn Child and The Development of the Senses


Eye Movements



Slow eye movements first occur.
14th week after conception Nijhuis/de Vries, p 5; Brinholz, p 679
First seen. About 14th week after conception Inoue, p 172
First seen. 14th - 16th weeks after conception Roodenburg, p 33
In 9 fetuses studied, the median number of eye movements at 18 weeks after conception were 25 per hour, increasing to 101 per hour at 34 weeks. 18th - 34th weeks after conception Roodenburg, p 28
Rapid eye movements first occur. 21st week after concpetion Nijhuis/de Vries, p 5; Birnholz, p 679


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